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Compelling Constitutional Conversations


LGBT Bar Criticizes ALJ. We Respond.

May 19, 2017

- by Christopher Naughton, Esq., Executive Producer

In a polarized age, one can think of few things that unify the nation as much as our Constitution. So it is natural to have people and organizations with varying viewpoints to appear on our program and discuss those issues within the context of the Rule of Law.

Nothing is so demonstrative of this than the current state of LGBT-related litigation. Here’s a short clip of the most contentious issues:


“You’re no different than the people who did not want to share the bathroom with black people during segregated times.” - Julie Chovanes, Esq.



Below is the LGBT Bar Association’s critique of our show. Look for our response— and that of several guests who appeared on the program— further below. For the full half hour broadcast, see it here: "Pronoun Wars: The Law & Transgender in America"


April 12, 2017 LGBT Bar Letter to The American Law Journal

LGBT Bar letter to The American Law Journal Letter.png

April 21, 2017 The American Law Journal's Response to LGBT Bar Letter (with Transgender Women Lawyer and Guest Panelist Julie Chovanes' response highlighted) ALJ Response to LGBT Bar letter 4.21.17 Highlighted P1.png

ALJ Response to LGBT Bar letter 4.21.17 Highlighted P2.png

April 20, 2017 ALJ guest panelist Attorney Scott Goldshaw's comments 

Goldshaw Response to LGBT Bar Letter.png 



Category: In The News

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