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Compelling Constitutional Conversations


Gina Passarella


Gina has been covering the legal industry for more than a decade, focusing on the intersection of the business of law, litigation and public policy. As the feature reporter for The American Law Journal, Gina covers a wide variety of legal topics that have a direct impact on viewers’ everyday lives. The goal is always to get to the crux of the issue and explain why it matters.

In her role as Executive Editor for American Lawyer Magazine and senior editor for American Lawyer Media's Global newsroom, Gina writes and leads a team of highly skilled journalists from around the country who report on and analyze how the world's law firms operate and compete. The team covers law firm finances, management, administration, expansion efforts, cybersecurity, litigation, compensation models, strategy and more.

Regardless of the medium or subject area, in-depth, forward-looking coverage and analysis that offers a balanced perspective is at the core of her approach to journalism. For Gina, journalism, as in life, is about relationships.

Help Wanted:  Gina will be the first to admit her skills when it comes to pop culture (minus a few too-embarrassing-to-admit-she-watches reality TV shows) are severely lacking. Movie and music references go over her head and she may be seen nodding along as though she understands the importance of that obscure director’s latest work. Must-see movie lists and Cliff’s notes for The Godfather are welcome. 

Off the (Note)Books: Maybe she has a thing for precedents, but when not reporting she can often be found in an antique store adding to her collection of long-ago items that have often lost their place in the world.

On the Map: Gina grew up in South Jersey and spent five years in Washington, D.C., while earning her undergrad in public communications and master’s degree in broadcast journalism and public policy from American University. Gina now lives with her husband, daughter and the biggest Yorkie around back in her hometown in Jersey.

As seen on the National Constitution Center and iCivics joint initiative

"We Love the Constitution"